I am pregnant and now?

Congratulations! You have just found out that you are pregnant and a new adventure is about to begin. This is an exciting time, but it can also be fraught with questions and worries. Here is a guidance for approaching the first steps of pregnancy with serenity and confidence.
- Confirm the pregnancy
The first step is to confirm the pregnancy with a pregnancy test. Tests found in pharmacies are now very reliable (urine test), but you may also choose to take a blood sample for further confirmation. The pregnancy test is a test that measures levels (in urine or blood) of the beta-HCG hormone, produced after implantation of the embryo.
- Choose a midwife or OB/GYN you trust
Finding a midwife or gynaecologist you trust is crucial. If you don’t know where to start and who to trust, you can always ask a friend or family member who has recently given birth for a recommendation on their experience, but I advise you to read on to find out more about the type of choices you have.
You have several options: you can choose to be followed by your gynaecologist, by a midwife or in a ‘consultorio’ (public care by both midwives and gynaecologists).
I recommend that you find someone who often works with pregnant women and who can possibly give you support even after the birth. The benefits of continuity of care are now confirmed by various scientific evidence. Women report feeling more aware, more satisfied, safer and more positive about a number of factors.
Find out more about the advantages of being followed by a midwife during pregnancy here: https://www.elenaiannelli.it/en/5-good-reasons-to-choose-midwifery-care/
It is also important to understand what tests to do, how many ultrasounds are recommended and when, so that you are more aware of what is recommended by the guidelines and what, often, is done extra without any recommendation or scientific evidence. For this reason, I recommend that you consult The Pregnancy Agenda, a very important document of our Italian Ministry of Health and Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) where you will find all the recommended examinations divided by trimester.
- Take care of yourself
Adopting a healthy lifestyle is crucial for your well-being and that of your baby. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and choose moderate physical activity. Make sure you take prenatal vitamins, especially folic acid, which is essential for your baby’s development.
- Find out about changes in your body
Pregnancy brings with it many physical and emotional changes. Reading books, attending antenatal classes or following mothers’ blogs and forums can help you understand what to expect and how to cope with these changes.
- Manage your emotions
It is normal to feel overwhelmed at first, with a range of emotions that can vary from joy to worries. Talking to your partner, friends or other mothers can be a great help. Do not hesitate to seek support from professionals if you feel the need.
- Plan for the future
Start thinking about your practical needs for when the baby arrives. This can include preparing the house, organising work and seeking post-natal support. Planning ahead can relieve stress later on.
- Enjoy the moment
Remember to take time for yourself and to enjoy this unique moment. Relax, take nice walks, practice yoga or join a prenatal aquatics class and indulge in small pleasures that make you feel good. Pregnancy is an extraordinary journey, and every moment deserves to be experienced to the full.
Being pregnant is a special time in a woman’s life. By following these tips, you will be able to face the first steps with serenity and be better prepared to welcome your baby. Good luck on this wonderful adventure!
If you need support or further information, please do not hesitate to contact me!