Returning to work and breastfeeding: 7 useful tips to combine motherhood and career

Returning to work after maternity leave can be exciting but also stressful, especially for mothers who wish to continue breastfeeding. With appropriate planning and the right support, it is possible to manage both aspects harmoniously. Here are some useful tips to cope with this transition successfully.
1) Plan breastfeeding before your return
Before returning to work, planning is the key to success. Make a breastfeeding plan that includes times when you will be separated from your baby, which will help you manage your time effectively. For example, set specific times for breastfeeding sessions and use a breast pump during your working day.
2) Create a comfortable space to use your breast pump
If your return to work requires the use of a breast pump, make sure you have a private, comfortable space to do so. Check if your employer offers a dedicated room or if it is possible to arrange a suitable place for a quiet breast pump.
3) Communicate with your employer
Open communication with the employer is crucial. Inform your manager about your intention to continue breastfeeding and discuss the possibility of flexible hours or a dedicated breast pump break. Many companies are open to finding solutions for reconciling work and motherhood.
4) Invest in a Quality Breast Pump
A high quality breast pump can make all the difference in your breastfeeding experience at work. Investing in an efficient, portable breast pump will allow you to pump quickly and discreetly during your working day. If you have any doubts about using a breast pump, read this five-point guide.
5) Create a Breast Milk Reserve
Start creating a back-up of breast milk a few weeks before your return to work. In this way, you will have a supply available for your baby during your absence and reduce the stress of producing milk in real time.
6) Share Responsibilities with Partner
Involving your partner in the feeding process can be a valuable resource. Provide breast milk for your partner so that he or she can actively contribute to feeding the baby while you are at work.
7) Learn to Manage Stress and Relax
Returning to work can be emotionally demanding. Try to manage stress by practising relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation. A healthy balance between work and family life is essential for the well-being of both.
With proper planning, the right support and clear communication, it is possible to successfully combine breastfeeding and return to work, creating a harmonious transition for you and your child.
If you need support, contact me!