How often does your baby move in your belly? Is it really that important to know?

Is it really that important to know how many times a day your baby moves around in your belly? The answer is yes and no! There is no set number of movements you should fell each day: every baby is different, but yes, it is very important to check that your baby is moving every day.
It is not necessary to count the number of kicks or movements you feel every day. The important thing is to learn to recognise your baby’s usual movements from day to day. Some babies move more in the evening, probably because it’s the time when you are less busy and notice them more. Sometimes you may feel him/her more active after meals. With time you will get to know your baby’s pattern and the time of day when he/she is most active. Just make sure he/she keeps the same pattern every day.
First movements
You should start to feel your baby’s movements between 16 and 24 weeks of pregnancy. If it is your first baby, you may not feel movements until after 20 weeks.
You should then feel your baby moving until and during labour.
Other people cannot feel the baby’s movements as early as you do. The moment they can feel the movements by putting a hand on your bump is different for everyone.
How baby’s movements are felt
The movements may feel like a slight whirling or fluttering. As the pregnancy progresses, you may feel kicks and jerky movements.
Why baby’s movements are important
Fetal movements are a sign of well-being. If your baby is not well, he or she will not be as active as usual. This means that reduced movement may be a sign of infection or another problem. The sooner this is discovered, the better, so that you and your baby can receive the appropriate care.
If you notice a reduced rate of movement, at a time of day when he or she is usually very active, try to eat something, sit or lie down talking to your baby while touching your bump, very often you will notice that he or she will start kicking after a short time. If, despite this, you still feel that he moves little or very differently from usual, it is best to have a check-up as soon as possible.
The important thing is to be aware of your baby’s usual pattern of movements.
Why it is important to talk to your child and respond to movements
You can help your baby’s brain development during pregnancy by talking, reading, stroking your bump and listening to music.
Around the 15th week babies in utero begin to hear. The sound they perceive is a bit muffled – imagine as if you were underwater.
Your baby will get used to the voices he will hear when he is in the world. Male voice is lower than mum’s, it is a different kind of listening and more rhythmic; therefore, dad’s voice is very important, it gives a sense of safety.
Music is great because the baby mostly hears the regular, rhythmic beat of your heart and body working, he loves the regular rhythm. By making him/her listen to music, you will calm him/her down. The feelings depend a lot on the state of mind you are in. It is really important to be as calm and relaxed as possible and the more you do this, the more your baby will feel safe, grow well and arrive in a world where he/she will think ‘Wow, this is going to be a great place’.